Fact Checking

As you may have noticed, we play pretty fast and loose with facts here at EmersonvsCook. So after listening to the Nic Cage podcast, I decided to do a bit of sleuthing to verify these absolutely useless celebrity factoids that vie for space in my brain with this kitten:

So I just spent some time skaggin’ around Val Kilmer’s MySpace page, where you can see pictures of his treehouse, read his blog (last update: July 2011) and see how much he cares about animals and environmentalism (what a guy!)

Also confirmed is the name of Nic Cage’s son.

It’s pretty hard to stay on point with that narcoleptic kitten up there, but maybe you guys will help me test out one of the features of this website I’m most excited about… POLLS!  Whenever I see a poll, I HAVE to vote, even if I don’t care about the subject.  But we can have fun with this one.  It’s simple: what’s your favorite Nic Cage movie?  If it’s not listed in the choices, it’s not an acceptable answer.  Sorry.  Get your own blog.  [poll id=”3″]







2 responses to “Fact Checking”

  1. Jason vanhee Avatar
    Jason vanhee

    You lack Honeymoon in Vegas, which is the only good Nic Cage movie, so I have nothing to contribute.

  2. Brad Craft Avatar
    Brad Craft

    That’s it? 3 votes so far? Get these lazy buggers to vote, damn you!

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